Findings from the worlds of nutrition, fitness and running!
Posted In: Fitness | Running March 1st, 2014 divider 3 Comments »I love me some infographics! The one above is an OBG (oldie but goodie) so I thought I would share.
I think most people now know that pop is not the best for you but this really drives it home for me. Let’s just say my consumption of “boissons gazeuses” has nose dived in the past year or so.
Don’t feel like getting out in this weather? One way to get better as a runner is to improve your core. Did you know you get almost 60% of your power output from your core, and the great thing is that it’s transferable from sport to sport.
Here’s a great beginner core routine from Runner’s World.
Winter is a great time to run but also a great time to cross train.
Here’s an article from Outside Magazine talking about how moving more and running less.
And to provide the other side of the coin, here’s a look from TrailRunner at the lore of the running streak.
It quotes local superstar Una Beaudry who makes my #150in150 challenge look like a walk in the park…
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